Recognizing Deferred Revenue

Deferred revenue is recognized on the Fiscal Period.

Note: For revenue to be deferred, deferral must be set up on the price record. See Setting Prices as Deferred.

  1. Open the Fiscal Period in which deferred revenue is to be recognized.

  2. If any deferred revenue is associated with the fiscal period, the Recognize Deferred Revenue button appears at the bottom. Click Recognize Deferred Revenue . The Recognize Revenue window will appear.

  1. The deferred revenue must be recognized into a batch. Either select an existing batch or click the Add button to create a new batch to receive the deferred revenue.
  2. Click Save. The revenue recognition process will run.

If you are recognizing deferred revenue in the process of closing the fiscal period, note that any batch created to receive the deferred revenue must be closed before the fiscal period can be closed.

See also, Managing Batches in the Fiscal Period.